Friday, May 22, 2015

 Blog for SurgeryComplications and for PCASG

Well, there has been a lot that has been happening lately, so I’ll fill you in on fun stuff first. 
My family and I took a long road-trip for my husband’s niece’s wedding.  We left from Michigan last Tuesday, and arrived in Columbus, Texas on Thursday, with the wedding being on Friday, May 8th. I didn’t get to do any driving, since my doctor has not allowed me to resume driving, which is very frustrating to me, since it’s been almost 4 years now, but between my hubby and my daughter and my step-daughter whom still has her permit, we did okay for the 22 hour drive.  The wedding was VERY untraditional, a country- theme with all the bridesmaids wearing cowboy boots with their fancy dresses. Even the bride had on cowboy boots under her beautiful dress, but we didn’t learn that until they did their first dance at the reception. The reception was outside under a pavilion with picnic tables covered in white tablecloths and the entire thing had white lights strung all around, flowers in mason jars. It was very pretty. My husband was a DJ for 25+ years, and although he has retired from spinning tunes, he borrowed equipment so he could keep his promise to her that he would DJ her wedding.  But, even that has a story to go with it. On Friday morning we had to drop Allison (my step-daughter) off at the hair salon, since she was standing up in the wedding, and then we went to the pavilion to setup the music equipment, did a little bit of estate sale shopping (I didn’t find anything I wanted L ), then we attempted to go back to our motel, only to learn there was a huge car accident right in front of our motel and the police wouldn’t let anyone through. We were stranded for hours before they opened part of the road, And, by some grace of God, we got back with just enough time to change clothes and run a brush through my hair and we were not late for the nuptials. Unfortunately we did learn that the accident was an 18 wheeler/semi-truck that had jackknifed and had a man in a Ford F250 pickup trapped in the wreckage. We never got any other details, so I don’t know if anyone died, but I’m sure prayers would be welcome, regardless of when you’re reading this. Anyhow, we all had a great time at the reception. On Saturday we just relaxed while Allison visited with family from her Mother’s side of the family and on Sunday we worked our way to Memphis for the night… and drove through all of the bad storms, then on Monday we arrived in Nashville and had dinner with my nephew and his family. We spent Tuesday site-seeing and my nephew went with us too, which I’m grateful for that time with him since it was the first time I’ve seen him in 4 years. Its so hard when family live out-of-state. It costs so much to fly, especially when you need to buy four tickets, so I don’t get to see many members of my family as I wish, with my nephew in Nashville, his dad/my brother and my sister and their families live in California. I’m sure I am not alone in wishing for a cheaper way to be developed…i.e. transport machines, it is 2015 after all. I thought when I was a kid that we would be living like the Jetson’s by now.

So, now that I filled y’all in in my vacation, I’ll give you the rundown on my health.  I am meeting with my Gastroenterology doctor and my Neurology doctor at the end of this month. As usual, the Ct-scan they did came back as normal and they didn’t see any hernias, even though I can feel them. No one seems to have any answers and I am back to being the hot-potato that gets passed around. I’ve been so frustrated with everything and thinking that maybe this is all in my head, so I setup and appointment with a psychiatrist whom I saw before we left for our trip. She was very nice and listened as I explained my whole story and she said that she believes me and no, it’s not all in my head. Seeing her didn’t help much, except give me some ideas and a place to vent. She suggested that since it appears so many people are in a similar situation having had bariatric surgery or has had their gall bladder removed and are now having the same problems, that I should start my own support group. I am actually qualified to do so, since my Associates Degree is in Health Administration and my Bachelor’s Degree is in Human Resources and Management. I’ve just never thought it was something I could do since I started getting sick, so now that the trip is done, I have some thinking to do.

One other note (I am posting this on the facebook page, as well as the website, so no one in the group misses it.)
I have joined another closed group on facebook and although this is mainly for jewelry makers, you all may want to check it out.
Brenda Sue Lansdowne is absolutely one of the nicest people I have met through FB.  She has an actual store B’Sue’s Boutique where she sells all kinds of jewelry findings, chain, pendants, charms, pearls and a ton of vintage or vintage remade items. Her prices are better than anywhere else I’ve been able to find. She has tons of free jewelry making tutorials on youtube. Also, she does contests/challenges, offers great discounts and even gives free stuff away. It is definitely worth checking out, if you haven’t heard about her already.

So, that’s it for now. I’ll keep you all posted if anything changes.
Love, S.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Free to Promote Your Shop, Social Sites, or Blog; on Networking Saturday 43 - ButterflyInTheAttic

Free to Promote Your Shop, Social Sites, or Blog; on Networking Saturday 43 - ButterflyInTheAttic

Good reads:

Shopping HAND-MADE
Plein Design-----My daughter’s
and mine Etsy Store
Becca and I decided to
throw an End of the Month sale for our Etsy Store:
End of January Sale---Free Shipping with all
Please feel free to share this code with
anyone. Thank you.

For any order placed through our store, Plein Design,  Becca will send you a free sample of Jamberry
to try out. If you like it or want more information go to
Also if you want something specific or just don't see a
design you like, I can create one for you, just contact me for details.

Do you do a lot of shopping Online?  I learned about
this site and have thoroughly tested it out over the past year and a half.
 It is definitely a legitimate site and the $186 I’ve received back so
far, just for shopping is proof.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

End of the Month

It's hard to believe its almost the end of January.  At least we haven't been slammed with snow this year (knock on wood), but winter isn't done here in Michigan we'll see.

Anyways, if your reading this, you might notice that I now have 2 blog pages.  Somehow, I have ended up with multiple gmail accounts and I can't figure out how to get back into my SurgeryComplications blog.  But with these changes from google, I can copy into that one.  Not sure what I'm going to do yet...I may just close out the other one.  Most of you reading this know all about my medical issues, that still have the doctors baffled--even the ones at U of M.

Anyhow, short and sweet.  If your looking to buy your sweetheart a gift for Valentine's Day, or maybe you just need a new scarf or earrings, etc.
Check out my daughter's Etsy Store:

We decided to throw a End of the Month sale for our Etsy Store: 
End of January Sale---Free Shipping with all orders. 
Please feel free to share this code with anyone. Thank you.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Just a quick hello

Just a quick hello, while I get this set up.  Please check back, as I will be providing information and tools that have helped me to feel like a viable part of my family. If you love crafts and jewelry making, there are many tools available to help you if you have trouble seeing, have a problem with your hands, etc.  I have unexplained neuropathy  and double vision, in addition to multiple complications from having bariatric surgery.